There are hundreds of people out there calling themselves ‘parenting experts’. Often, as parents we seek the guidance of these experts when we feel lost, or confused or just need some direction. Whether it’s around sleep, starting solids, behavioural concerns, or how best to help our child - sometimes we need a little help.
However, just because these ‘experts’ are there to offer assistance, it's important to remember YOU are still the expert in your child.
You might think, “well… if I’m the ones asking the questions, how can I be the expert?” “Surely if I was the expert I wouldn’t need these answers!” But as parents, we’re the experts in SO. MANY. WAYS.
We’re the experts in how to cut our child’s fingernails successfully (no small feat), the experts in what our child’s grunts and head wiggles mean, we know which foods are acceptable this week & which are to be avoided at all costs. Sure we might not know ALL the things, but we remember the things that are meaningful to us and to our child.
Just like us, our children cannot be compartmentalised. Our kids are not a single, easily definable thing. They are made up of many interconnected, messy parts. Because life is messy. It's because of this messiness that we sometimes seek clarity. We turn to the ‘experts’ (our GP, paediatrician, teacher, swim instructor) for help and guidance.
It’s important that we not confuse our asking for help with failure or incompetence. The very best experts always admit when they don’t know something and know to seek out the answers from those who do.
The professionals might be an expert in a field that helps many children, but they will never be more of an expert than you in your child. At Science Minded, I acknowledge that YOU are the expert in your child.
You understand things about your child on an instinctive level - even in ways you might not be able to explain. I believe your expertise is to be respected and celebrated. It might not always feel like it, but trust me, you have got this!
References: Geeter et al 2002